Monday, November 9, 2009

Mandice Linux Installer Preview!

The episode of video will show you the Mandice Linux installer which is in development :

PS. It is not a video for advertisement, but it is a "REAL" Installer which is running on! :-)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Mandice Repository was Created Already

In principal, Mandice uses official Debian Sid and Emdebian Grip to be main line repositories, but to avoid that harmful packages causing system damage and to do some customizations, Creating A own repository is a way to realize the implementation for Mandice.

Right now, you can use Mandice Repository with those settings in sources.list for APT:
deb mandice main
deb-src mandice main

Though Mandice has own repository, but it is not used to replace main line repositories. It's only for making system stable that's just like a firewall to filter packages from main line repository, that's all.

Finally we extremely appreciate Providence University in Taiwan to provide server and bandwidth to Mandice project and support us to set up this repository site.