Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Current Roadmap

Slim is the chief consideration for Mandice Linux, but only small is not enough to provide great user experience. In order to be better, we have roadmap for development.

  1. Mandice Linux developing release
    • Only root filesystem image
    • Build up own repository for urgent update only
  2. Release Mandice Linux - LiveUSB version
    • Using aufs and squashfs
  3. Release Mandice Linux - Installer version
    • Based on LiveUSB version
    • Implement Installer (two version)
      • Traditional version
      • Fancy version (3D)
    • Installing process is less than 5 minutes
Although we want to release something even root filesystem image only as soon as possible, there is no server to put in currently. Recently, the problem has solved, because of many universities and organizations are glad to provide hosting resource and bandwidth for Mandice Linux.

1 comment:

  1. When will we see first downloadable and installable version? Can't wait to see it in action!
